
Time management skills are sadly not something you will learn as part of your high school syllabus or even your degree qualification. Much like financial insights, this is a life skill that you will largely be left to your own devices to develop.

Unfortunately, these time management skills may well hold the key to your academic success and even how you progress in your career long after you leave university. Being able to effectively manage your social life, studies, time in lectures and other considerations at University could well be the difference between getting a good or a great degree.

Therefore have we compiled this quick fire guide to time management at university for you to refer to whenever you think you aren’t quite in control.


Use a calendar

You may well think this time management tip should go without saying but you would be astonished to learn how many students still fail to organise their time effectively.

You may choose to go old school with an organiser or diary, or if you’re prudent you will perhaps opt for the calendar on your laptop or your phone, but choosing one is essential.

If you aren’t adding your lectures, seminars and coursework to some sort of calendar, then you’re simply not going to stay in control. The result will be missed deadlines and rushed work, all of which can be easily remedied by enhancing your time management skills.

Minimise your distractions

One of the main reasons for an unmanageable student workload is failing to deal with your distractions at university. As you will know only too well already, there are plenty of these and it is too easy for a day of study to turn into hours of Facebook, Netflix and Instagram.

If you are looking to manage your time effectively and ensure you get all of your work done in good time to an excellent standard, you should really be minimising all the distractions you can. This may well involve the unspeakable of turning off your smartphone and disabling social media on your computer whilst you work, but the impact this will have on your time management will be significant.


Reward yourself

So far, this guide hasn’t really sounded like much fun, has it? Well fear not as rewarding yourself when you complete a task or piece of work is a big part of effective time management. All work and no play is not a good idea at all and will most probably result in you failing anyway, so be sure to factor this into your schedule.

This could be rewarding yourself with a snack or an episode of your favourite TV show every hour or so, or some fresh air and time with your buddies. Not only will this do wonders for your sanity during periods of intense study, but you will find that your brain is far more relaxed when you return to your desk, and as a result you should be far more productive.

Sleep well

Our final tip may not seem like a great time management tip, I mean you can’t work whilst you’re asleep right? However, ensuring that you get your full 8 hours every night could just be the perfect way to complement the other pieces of advice in this guide to time management.

Staying up until the small hours trying to cram in months of revision just isn’t the way forward, and this ties in with our points regarding planning and organisation. Making sure you have ample time to get the right amount of shut-eye is critical.

We all know how much better we feel after a good, undisturbed night’s sleep and as you enter the final period of the academic year, this will stand you in excellent stead when it comes to acing your exams, dissertations and coursework. Make sure your brain is in top gear by getting a good night’s sleep just when it matters.

As you will see from our top tips on time management, the key really is organisation. Plan out your work and stick to your agenda and there is no reason for you failing to fulfil your potential at university.

Complement this with sleeping well and staying off social media at crucial times, and we are sure you will find your time management plan super easy to adhere to!

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